Why Choose Matrix Treadmills?

Why Choose Matrix Treadmills?

Treadmills are the most recognizable workout equipment in the industry. At some point in their life, every American has used or at least seen one. There is a reason treadmills are so popular. For instance, they’re user-friendly. All you need to do is turn it on and go. Of course, not all treadmills are made equally. Matrix treadmills go above and beyond to streamline your exercise routine and get you into shape. For those considering buying a treadmill, you aren’t just investing in machinery; you’re investing in your health. Here’s why Matrix treadmills are the treadmills for you.


Folding of Non-Folding

Different spaces have different limitations. Because of this, not every treadmill is best for every home. Matrix takes this into account to create a line of treadmills with different capabilities. For homes with more space, they offer treadmills like the T70 or T50 that do not fold. For rooms with less space, folding option like the TF50 or the TF30 are available. This allows you to work out when you can fit it in, where you can fit it in.

Console Tech

As true as it is that not all treadmills are built equally, neither are all Matrix treadmills. Matrix carries a variety of models for any kind of runner to find solid ground on. These treadmills use console technology like nobody else. Depending on if the treadmill is Simple, Intuitive, or Ultimate, your state of the art console comes in 8.5”, 10”, or 16” respectively. Their consoles can measure your heart rate, are bluetooth enabled, and have storage for apps like Netflix and Hulu. They also have effective apps for interval training so you can get the most out of your workout.

Running on a Treadmill Teaches You How to Run

So many people are nervous about getting into working out for fear of looking foolish. That’s why treadmills are so useful. Treadmills are stationary machines that are safe and private. This allows you to get accustomed to running so that you are comfortable. Because Matrix treadmills come with Sprint 8 Interval Training, you can learn what workouts are best for your body. This helps you see results faster and learn how to run better.


Running on a treadmill is the best way to begin learning how to work out. It’s also a staple of cardio exercising and healthy fitness routines across the world. With Matrix treadmills, you can exercise with enough space to get into the groove, find a treadmill that fits your exact needs, and learn how to be a better runner. Contact Fitness Equipment Maine today for information on Matrix Treadmills or visit them online!