Our Blog

Four Parts of a Well-Rounded Workout

Working out isn’t just a hobby for the physically active, but a way to shape your body the way you want it to look and prevent significant health concerns down the line. Too often you see people start hitting the gym around New Year’s as part of their resolution. Just as often, you see people […]

Why Choose Matrix Treadmills?

Treadmills are the most recognizable workout equipment in the industry. At some point in their life, every American has used or at least seen one. There is a reason treadmills are so popular. For instance, they’re user-friendly. All you need to do is turn it on and go. Of course, not all treadmills are made […]

How A Visit To Our Store Changes Everything

Often, people are skeptical of visiting a business. Whether it’s because the idea is intimidating, they think they know what works best, or because they don’t have time, customers don’t often consider how much visiting a storefront can change their lives. If you’re looking to take care of your body and want to ensure you […]

How To Create a Home Gym

Is your new year’s resolution to work out more, or create a consistent schedule for exercising? Instead of signing up for a gym membership that you won’t use, invest in a more serious exercise space. Create a home gym, and you’ll be sure to use it on a regular basis to keep yourself in shape. […]

Why the Time to Get in Shape Is Now

Though our fitness equipment store has just opened in Portland, Maine, our team as over 40 years of industry experience and we’ve met with customers from all walks of life. For those who we’ve met with, questioning their need to invest in equipment for their home, there are three critical reasons the time to get […]